Goldfish - Aquariums - My little lionhead Oranda ��

My little lionhead Oranda ��

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:49 PM PDT

I love the shimmer on my new fancy. It’s so pretty when it catches in the light.

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:41 AM PDT

What do you guys think of Fat Albert?

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 11:08 AM PDT

Can someone explain why my goldfish looks bloated? He is new to this 60 gallon tank and in here by himself. He seems active and happy, I like to think he’s just growing and possibly gaining some muscle from being in a new tank? Sorry for tank alittle dirty.

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:49 PM PDT


Posted: 10 Aug 2020 12:13 PM PDT

Help- Red streaks every few days for over a year. Hoping for some help. A water change makes them go away within a few hours. But ammonia is 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 40. What could be causing this? They come back every few days and go away after a water change. I can't figure it out.

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:38 PM PDT

I saw this fish at the pet store. Any idea what is wrong with her? Id like to get her if i can fix her up.

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:48 AM PDT

I think my Goldfish is dying

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 04:36 PM PDT

Lately my goldfish has been very lethargic just sitting on the bottom of the tank, he doesn't seem to be interested in food. He is not breathing heavy so I don't think it's ammonia poisoning. If I tap on the glass he perks up but otherwise he just lays there. He is a feeder fish I got 4 years ago, so I'm not sure if it's his time? I have him in a 10gal tank and I know the tank isn't big enough but I got him before I had ANY knowledge of fish and what it takes to care for them. I have been adding aquarium salts to the tank because that has helped him in the past. He has also had stringy poop hanging from his butt. I'm not sure what to do the things I've been reading are telling me that it could be a parasite? I'm not sure how to treat him. Please give me suggestions. I have done probably a 80% water change and changed the filter. It's only been 24 hours since I started noticing symptoms but I think he's been having them for the past two days. Please help.

submitted by /u/leavesfromthevine__
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Cotton Mouth

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:10 PM PDT

I have a goldfish with cotton mouth. It's got completely bleached lips with small white lumps on them. how do i best treat this?

submitted by /u/TheMan_in_Gauze
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any idea of what this is and how can I treat it? It’s by his eye and I just noticed it tonight. He’s swimming well and eating, but there is some type of growth by his eye.

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:02 PM PDT

Feeding live insects to Goldfish

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:30 AM PDT

Hello all, Let me preface by saying I have NOT (yet) attempted to feed my fish some live bugs. I am well aware of the dangers of using food that is not from a known source. These include parasitic organisms, pesticides from plants, and other contaminants making their way into the tank.

Okay now with the obvious troubles off the table, what live insects will a Goldfish consider to be a treat? I often find spiders, mosquitoes, moths, baby grass bugs, etc. Can any of those be served up to the fish? I have pellet food for her to eat but I'm sure there is some kind of bug she would love to gobble up once in a while. I am also open to buying live food from a vendor in the future, just trying to see if snacks are an option for my fish.

A basic list of what would be relatively safe (assume no contaminants) to (chop up and then) drop in the tank would do wonders. Also a clear list of what insects should never be in the area of my Goldie would help tremendously.

submitted by /u/acousticentropy
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I never see calico oranda goldfish at stores that look like this, they are always darker and messier looking, is there different types of calico orandas?

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:08 PM PDT

Why is my fish sick when the water is fine?

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:49 AM PDT

I have a one and a half year old shubunkin who is bloated (not pineconing yet) and rests all day at the bottom and is not eating I don't know if it's dropsy, but I was wondering why he got sick when the water has zero ammonia in it Nitrates and pH and everything are fine I water change every week I have a 160 litre tank Thanks

submitted by /u/shuttleboat9
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Goldfish temps

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:22 AM PDT

I am currently researching starting a fancy goldfish tank. I am planning to put two fancies in a 36 gallon per the wiki w two 50 gallon filters. I was reading though in the wiki, and it doesn't mention temps? I heard they don't need a heater but they say the same about bettas. So what is a good temp for them?

submitted by /u/umbrellagirl2185
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Here for some verbal support.

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:43 AM PDT

My family and friends do not really care or appreciate fish in general. I made a mistake in my pond and two of my goldfish died. One was a 4 year old black moor, the other a 8 year old common.

I bought lotus seeds online and soaked them for a month. Quarantined them to make sure there were no hitchhikers and let 5 if the seeds start to grow in a seperate container before adding them to mine. I have a small 75 gallon outdoor pond for my goldfish. The lotus showed no signs of disease or parasites so after a few weeks I added them to my pond. Within a few days I noticed small worms in my filter and two goldfish had died.

I have been very upset and somber about it. All seeds are removed and filter replaced. Remaining goldfish are fine.

I just wanted to reach out to this community for some kind words. My family just laughs and scoffs at me when I discuss my fish. I have cared for these individuals for so long and learned so much along the way. It's a sad mistake I made but fish lives matter too. They even made fun of me for burying them in my potted plants and caring about their lives in general.

submitted by /u/spaghettiarnold
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Is a 40 gallon (wide) tank big enough for 4 goldfish and two tiny suckerfish?

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:52 AM PDT

Thinking of getting another goldfish. We have 3 medium sized goldfish (I have no idea what type they are but they're all twin tailed) and 2 really tiny suckerfish (edit: I think they're plecos, about 2 cm long). I think the tank has enough room but I don't want it getting too cramped.

submitted by /u/fleshseagull
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I spotted this thing in my tank, does anyone know what it might be?

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 12:18 PM PDT

What is my fish? Please help

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 06:16 AM PDT

What is my fish? Please help

Hello! I've had a look at the wiki but can't quite find a fish that looks like mine. I recall the breed having a fancy name at the pet store but cant really find a similar looking one online anywhere. I'm not really concerned with having being ripped off or anything because I really like my fish and mostly just curious. I'm definitely not an expert by any means though so I cant be sure, but my fish seems to have one very solid tail fin while other fish I've seen without dorsal fins have more wispy tails? Any help would be appreciated :)

submitted by /u/smudcook
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What filter do you use?

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 04:30 AM PDT

I have an Aqueon filter for my 20gallon tank for one oranda. I've had it since January and now it seems to not be working right; the water flow has significantly decrease. Any recommendations on a new one? Or ideas on what could be wrong? I already deep cleaned it, thinking maybe something was obstructing the water flow. And I changed the filter media, that's what their website recommends when having water flow issues.

submitted by /u/andreaSMpizza
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Is this scale loss or fungal infection or anything? They're about 1.5inches and there are 3 of them in a 75 gallon. Would like to know your opinion so I can treat it asap

Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:32 AM PDT

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