Axolotl - Aquariums - ��


Posted: 07 Aug 2020 01:35 AM PDT

Tortilla was trying to play cutesy for his worms. You best believe he got them��

Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:33 AM PDT


Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:33 AM PDT

Look at this face! He‘s one of two school axolotls. We just got a cooling system for them :)

Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:21 AM PDT

Any tips for a 5+ hour move with this cutie?

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:05 PM PDT

How in the world did you manage that?!?

Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:15 AM PDT

I started feeding my two babies Zero and Porridge red wrigglers today and they LOVE THEM!

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:24 PM PDT

“hi mum” ��

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:11 PM PDT

Update on Burrito, my lil rescue lotl.. been waiting for this perfect fit and finally caught him at it!!!

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 05:43 PM PDT


Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:52 AM PDT

Hi, i want to buy myself one Axolotl soon but we life in a attic, where it can be hot like 28 to 30 or more degree. Can you commend me a good cooler thanks.

submitted by /u/Programmausfall
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Some pics of my Axolotl "Jenova" <3

Posted: 07 Aug 2020 10:55 AM PDT

My NEW dark gilled lucy! ❤️ There’s sparkles in his/her gills! ���� you can keep up with me & all my Lotl’s on ig @motherofaxolotls

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:06 PM PDT

Are these safe for axolotls??

Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:24 AM PDT

Flying with an axolotl?

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:08 PM PDT

Has anyone ever flown with an axolotl in the US? The TSA says it allows live fish as an exception to the 3oz liquid rule. The reasoning is that they're alive, so the liquid is water and not something more sinister. Same logic should apply and I used the ask TSA feature and they said an axolotl would be fine.

BUT, you never know with TSA! Has anyone ever tried to fly with an axolotl?

submitted by /u/keggert2
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Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:28 PM PDT

I've had my axie Lonnie for about a year now and recently she started looking a little skinny and her butt is floating in the air pretty often. I don't know why this is happening, and I'm hoping someone on here can help me out. She eats regularly, poops about the same and her tank is very well kept. Not sure what could be wrong.

submitted by /u/Mr-Venom23
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How long to soak bogwood for?

Posted: 07 Aug 2020 04:03 AM PDT

I bought some bogwood from my local pet shop and the instructions don't say how long to soak it for, what's the best amount of time to soak it??

submitted by /u/MrPrince222
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UPDATE on the too sick axolotls. They and eating and moving around more. They’re new tank temp is 60 degrees. I’m hoping that they will make a fast recovery with a lot of tlc and food. ��

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:15 PM PDT

Are these bulges on the side of our axie normal? As you can see she’s only 2.5 month old.

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 04:41 PM PDT

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