Goldfish - Aquariums - New Demekin

New Demekin

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 04:19 PM PDT

From stressed pacing at the bottom, to greeting me and begging for food. He has such a great personality now that he's properly cared for♥️

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 03:46 PM PDT

For my cake day, I'll stop being such a lurker. Say hello to Neptune (blue oranda) and Tooter( orange oranda)

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:37 AM PDT

They took revenge at me for forgetting to treat them with peas/bananas today :0 (apparently the amazon sword is tasty)

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 09:09 PM PDT

Alan Turing needs YOUR help!

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 11:57 PM PDT

Hi! Okay gonna try to make this concise, but bear with me. I'm also on my phone so, this is maybe just a wall of text, my apologies. Anyway, I have a super chill comet goldfish named Alan Turing that I won at a fair when I was super drunk almost a year ago. He and I are best buds now and I love him to death. Now, he's getting larger and I've got a nice big tank that's a more suitable size for him and everyone thinks I'm nuts because my single goldfish will be in this big ole tank, but I'm excited. Alas, there is trouble. Today, I noticed a bump on Alan's lip that was not there yesterday and his water got pretty cloudy pretty quick as well. The bump is small, reddish, and doesn't affect his mouth moving at all or his eating. He's completely normal Alan. I think there's some trouble with his filter, making the timing of this move even more fortuitous. However, if this bump on his lip is a bacterial infection, will moving stress him out and make him sick(er)? I'm really excited about the new tank because it's more spacious and I've got some more fun stuff for him and duckweed, but I also want him to be healthy. Could use some advice. Also, I would take a picture as that would be infinitely more helpful then my terrible description, but Alan doesn't really sit still for pictures.

submitted by /u/RealClosewAlanTuring
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Is it beneficial? I allowed green algae to grow at the back and floor of the tank because i thought it would look nice.

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 01:25 PM PDT

Chips enjoys spending his spare time pulling up plants and moving them to the other side of his tank.

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 05:04 AM PDT

anyone have any silver/black comets before? (video taken shortly before their pond transfer)

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 01:06 PM PDT

10 year old fancy gets ammonia burns despite no ammonia testing as present?

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 10:26 AM PDT

My poor goldfish has lived a hard life.

I inherited a fancy Fantail goldfish approx 9 years ago from a roommate in undergrad. They were moving overseas for some study program and didn't want to take their fish. At the time, he was in a vase (yes, I know). I didn't really want a fish but felt bad for it and decided to take so my douche roomie didn't flush it.

I was an idiot and he was small (probably stunted tbh) and got him a 2.5 gallon. He lived in that 2.5 for probably 2 years. Then we finally upgraded to a 10 gallon tank. He probably lived in that 10 gallon for about 4 years. I rarely did water changes, and didn't test anything. Only topped off the water when it was obviously depleted. I have no excuse besides I was ignorant, lazy, and he seemed fine so I wasn't concerned. Water wasn't cloudy and filter seemed to be doing its job. Looking back I cannot imagine the ammonia levels in the tank. How did he survive??

About 3 years ago, he came down with what looked and appeared to be swim bladder disease. After basic googling I quickly found out I done fucked up and was essentially abusing the poor fish and immediately got him a bigger tank. The pea method cleared the swim bladder problem too, btw.

He's now in a 30G planted tank. Ph is 7. Ammonia and nitrite testing at 0. Nitrate looks about ~20 as of this morning. I do at minimum a 30% water change weekly. He's been in this established planted tank for about 3 years.

However in the past year, the fish has multiple times gotten what appear to be ammonia burns on his tail or top fin. Never in the same place, but are obvious red blotches or streaking. The API test tube kit AND the tetra hanging ammonia indicator that is inside the tank show 0 ammonia. But Once I see this - I do a 50% water change and the red streaking goes away in a day or so. He's as active as ever, very responsive to me. Even standing by the tank will have him begging.

How can he be getting ammonia burns with no evidence of ammonia? Could it be something else? Should I start doing changes every other day? He is at least 10-11 years old now, which I know is closer to the upper limits of fancy lifespan. Do they get more sensitive as they get older?

submitted by /u/Delicious_Light8245
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Goldfish problems

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 10:31 PM PDT

Anyone know what this is? My black oranda has developed spots on her tail and pectoral fins. My orange and white has not. Both seem fine with no changes in activity. Breeding stars? Bacterial or parasites?

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 05:54 PM PDT

Fish acting lethargic after water change

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 03:01 PM PDT

I have 2 goldfish in a fairly large tank and they are acting rather lethargic after a 70% water change and a filter cleaning. I added the right amount of water conditioner. Please educate me on what may be going wrong and how I can do better. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Snoo-23723
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Can anyone tell me what kind of goldfish my Grey one (his name is Gramps) is? I don’t remember and it’s killing me!!

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 11:10 AM PDT

Most goldfish proof plant, in your experience?

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 08:41 AM PDT

Need help/guide for this precious new friend I got today because I don't know what I'm doing! Is this okay for temporary (3days)? I'll put what I have done so far and what my friends said she does for Bettas in the comments

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 07:39 PM PDT

Meet Hope and Biggie. Bit of algae i know, maintenance is on sunday :))

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 01:54 AM PDT

Fish doing a jump during feedings

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 01:39 PM PDT

Hi everyone. I'm so nervous. Please be gentle. All I can find is that with poor water conditions they will jump out of that tank. I'm looking for some advise regarding my walkin goldfish. Back story: small apron 50 gal pond. 2 small goldfish. The wakin and fantail. (New to me for the past 1.5 month) Filter and air stone tons of water lettuce and water hyth

water: GH 4, NO(3) O NO(2) O CL 0 KH 6h 6.8 which I think is too low I changed water from the hose last week and the fantail got ich. I'm treating it and looks like it's almost gone. So what's happening.....I've been shutting off the pump and air stone while I feed them. Trying to train them when feeding And less bubbles for them to find the food. The walkin guy has done little jumps occasionally during this time. He gets excited and swims around. He has jumped at some food before to knock it into the water while I've watched. He has done little dives near the water surface.

I hope I'm not making him suffer. He eats and plays in the bubbles. Both fish take turns chasing each other when I feed them on and off but both are eating good.

I've occasionally forgot to put the pond back on and here is no jumping. Just hanging out. It seems like it's only with food.

submitted by /u/spinsterpatty
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Help! I think my fish has some sort of external parasite but I am not sure how to treat it? It started developing these bumps a couple of months back and now there is a white stringy thing growing out of its cap. I’ve had this fish for 3 years and water conditions are good.

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 05:06 PM PDT

Update on my goldfish frys, they are doing great, they are eating a lot and are starting to look a lot like a tiny carp right now. This is one of the biggest and fattest one, this one is shaped kind of like its mother (the mother is a common and the father is a comet)

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 03:49 AM PDT

She looks pregnant. Could she?

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 01:59 PM PDT

Can someone help me diagnose my black moor? This showed up on him a few days ago. I did a water change but no change with him.

Posted: 10 Jul 2020 04:14 AM PDT

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