Micro Aquatics My small planted tank broke so I bought a cube more plants and the little stones will be added soon

My small planted tank broke so I bought a cube more plants and the little stones will be added soon

Posted: 28 Jun 2020 03:55 PM PDT

Hello hi yes, it is I, the person who bought yet another 1 gallon tank for the world's smallest bladder snail

Posted: 28 Jun 2020 05:32 PM PDT


Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:19 PM PDT

How do you handle moving with a nano tank? Thanks for any advice

submitted by /u/Jtalton
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Solutions for dosing out small amounts of water conditioner?

Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:56 PM PDT

I feel like this question is kind of a silly one, but work with me. I have a 5.5gal (currently cycling, and by cycling I mean fighting off a shitload of biofilm and brown algae), and I do ~20% water changes (1 gallon) once or twice a week, twice now that I'm dealing with the algae.

I condition with API tap water conditioner, and while chlorine isn't in my water bc I'm on a well, copper is definitely an issue because I'm planning on keeping invertebrates. First of all, am I doing this right? API will detoxify copper, right? Wanted to get that straight well before I jump into my next bit, because I do my research but I also doubt everything I do re:fishkeeping lol

Second, I'm a little worried about the super tiny, finicky measurements with said conditioner. I treat 2 gallons at a time, and iirc the dosage for that much water is less than a mL. The measuring cap doesn't really help, usually I just eyeball it on the cap, which I know probably isn't a bright idea for future stocking. I was considering getting some 1mL graduated pipettes for both my conditioner and some fluval cycle (I've been taking a break from it bc the bacteria colonies are going nuts), but I'm also open to suggestions :)

submitted by /u/lipstick-lemondrop
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