Aquatic Snails Darcy is grumpy that his tank mate keeps thinking his algae disc is for sharing

Darcy is grumpy that his tank mate keeps thinking his algae disc is for sharing

Posted: 28 May 2020 01:52 PM PDT

Rest in peace Neuth.

Posted: 28 May 2020 11:42 PM PDT

Should I seperate ramshorn snail eggs from betta?

Posted: 29 May 2020 05:59 AM PDT

I've just discovered ramshorn snail eggs on a leaf in my tank. Is it best to seperate them from my male betta? If so, should I get a separation box to put inside the tank for the eggs or can I put them in a spare container with some plants and water?

submitted by /u/PatientParfait
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My mystery snail laid eggs, what do I do?

Posted: 28 May 2020 09:04 AM PDT

Our snails laid some eggs last night

Posted: 28 May 2020 10:53 PM PDT

My first aquarium for my first (handsom) snail.....Jar-Jar says hi ��

Posted: 28 May 2020 07:17 PM PDT

Om noms

Posted: 28 May 2020 07:00 PM PDT

Am I Caring for my apple/ Mystery snails correctly?

Posted: 28 May 2020 09:56 PM PDT

I probably really messed up.. I'm upset and don't know what to do. I'm a first time apple snail owner, I got them originally back at the end of April.. things keep going wrong. I had gotten five snails, two blues, a gold, and two blacks. I set up my five gallon, heater, filter, air space, light, water stress coat, cuttlebones, and algae wafers. Everything was perfect- they thrived, they had a betta in there too, but I moved him because he started nipping, he's an amazing, active, really funny betta that gets excited when I'm near him, needs to know what I'm doing all the time. I moved him to his own big fishbowl on my desk, cat decided to test waters and stick paw in bowl, got smaller lid 'tank' out of basement, then got him his own actual tank today, 2.5 gallon with a lid, since I had to restock for my hermit crabs too. Anyway, Back to the snails- everything was great. The five where thriving, having fun, climbing walls, etc. I left for my scheduled days to go to my mom's house, 50/50 split custody only have to deal with this for two years, just have one more until I'm done and graduated. I came back and an ammonia spike occurred. My dad pet food decay at the bottom of the tank and kept giving them more and more... I didn't know what was going on. I didn't think much of the slightly murkier water at first, thought the gold and the smaller black had air bubbles, the tiny and big blues where sleeping, while the big black climbed the walls. They floated for hours. I got worried, this was obviously not normal. I researched, those two where confirmed dead. I could've saved the gold.. he was climbing the walls with the bigger black snail, then let go and floated away... he and the small black died, and the bigger blue didn't react at all. I moved the big black and tiny blue to the aforementioned lidded 'tank' for the night. The tiny blue didn't make it. I went out the next day and got calcium supplements, ditching the cuttlebones, and was advised to NOT use the algae anymore and only the calcium bricks.. and now I use ammo lock and got an ammonia testing kit. I got three more snails, a new small black, a gold, and an ivory- all they had left in stock. Two weeks have passed like this, and now I'm worrying... Wednesday when I got back the only survivor of the spike was found floating at the top of the tank, I recoiled from his back he smelt. Checked levels, water change, three new guys where all good. They weren't as active anymore, usually sleeping. Thursday, yesterday, (since I'm writing this at midnight) they partially have been hanging out of their shells, upside down or on their sides. My ivory was complete out on his side. I moved my black because he started to smell slightly into my tiny betta cup I kept for quarantining rather than using the big tank (that is for water changes). I checked my ivory and gold, which they both reacted and went into their shells. They're partially hanging out again, no scent, I don't know what I'm doing wrong... am I starving them? No where gives me a strait pet food answer... I feel awful, I feel like I'm neglecting them and doing something wrong... I can care for hermit crabs but not apple snails? I put half of a wafer in the tank next to them and sprinkled in betta flakes at the top, they've got their calcium brick, I'm just upset and don't wanna loose my last three, maybe two at this point. The ivory is my baby. Please tell me what I can do, I'm begging for help. I'm just a 17 year old girl who wants to care for these little snails, but all the advice I get or look up is always incorrect... I'm upset

submitted by /u/Lpsthecat02
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They’re holding a secret meeting

Posted: 28 May 2020 03:25 PM PDT

Can anyone help me identify what type of nerite snail these are? The fish store people just sold them to me as nerites without telling me which kind.

Posted: 28 May 2020 10:12 AM PDT

I have Baby mystery snails!

Posted: 28 May 2020 03:21 PM PDT

I have so many babies! Magenta white foot, mochas black foot, and goldens white foot. All very healthy shells. High calcium diet. Willing to trade for plants or other baby freshwater fish! No pred fish. My email is feel free to ask questions need homes! Match head size to marble size!

submitted by /u/TheSnailKingg
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I bought my first mystery snail from Petco in early March, now there are babies all over my 29g tank! I don’t know what to do!

Posted: 28 May 2020 02:22 PM PDT

I wasn't even trying to get the eight clutches she laid to hatch, I just left them where she put them to see what would happen on the off chance that she had some stored sperm in her. I counted 31 babies on the front glass alone. And that's just from the first clutch! Can my tank handle this many snails? There are a few ghost shrimp and a small school of neon tetras in the tank as well. Should I just remove the other clutches now, although a couple look like they are close to hatching? I would offer to give them away but I don't even know the first thing about shipping live animals.

submitted by /u/Wyrdletini
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