Micro Aquatics Stocking a 5.5 gallon tank

Stocking a 5.5 gallon tank

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:02 PM PDT

Hello! I am somewhat a beginner (other than bettas) and need help with ideas to stock a 5.5 gallon tank. I'm currently at college and I have a betta at home so I am hesitant to get another because Dumbo holds a special place in my heart!

What community fish could I stock this tank with (and how many)? What snails/bottom feeders? I want nerite snails but there is a small opening near my filter that I am afraid they would escape through. I am going to be using both fake (silk) and a couple of live plants. Thank you!

submitted by /u/imissmybettafish
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Hey guys I really want to start a nano reef with a clownfish but my parents don’t want me to get coral and fish is there any way I can convince them to let me get them

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:09 PM PDT

planted nano aquarium

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:10 AM PDT

planted nano aquarium

Hello all,

I am new to the hobby. Here is my set up. the tank is 8 gal and the sump I made from a 10gal tank. The sump has filtration material, Bioballs, java moss (& anubius floating until I secure it in the tank), heater, fluval biomax media and my return pump. I had driftwood in my tank that I took out because I thought it was lowering my Ph. Since I took it out, I still am struggling to get my Ph right. My thought is that tannins are still throughout my substrate. My pH is steady 6.6-6.7. Any advice? I plan on putting shrimp and other small fish so my thought is to add crushed coral in my sump to bring hardness and pH up. any constructive criticism and advise is welcomed.





submitted by /u/steucey
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