Aquatic Snails New arrival meet “BEAST”... any advice to a new Mom?

New arrival meet “BEAST”... any advice to a new Mom?

Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:05 PM PDT

If you look closely, you can see the little bite marks from where Mysterio has been feasting on the algae. Nomnomnom

Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:02 PM PDT

I got some ants for my tank, and some snails hitched a ride, and I'm all for that, but I saw this, is this a parasite?

Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:35 AM PDT

My fuzzy snail that needs cleaned but i dont know how, so this is just a post to show someone a picture because imgur isnt working

Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:53 PM PDT

Do mystery snails/ramshorns like to escape as much as nerites?

Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:36 PM PDT

I'm thinking about adding some more snaily friends to the family and I was wondering about mystery snails, or ramshorn snails. I know they lay some pretty impressive egg clutches however my main concern is... escaping. My nerite snail really has a knack for getting out of his 29g tall home, and I'm wanting someone who is a little less likely to do so. Anyone have any suggestions?

submitted by /u/Its_Strange_
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Is any amount of copper bad?

Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:59 PM PDT

I have a newly cycled tank that I just added 3 mystery snails to. I did not expect that I'd love my snails so much, I am obsessed with them!

Anyway, I was wondering about copper. I wanted to know if it's okay to add seachem flourish. It says it has 0.0001% copper in it. That doesn't seem like a lot to me, but I don't want to do anything that will hurt my snails.

submitted by /u/PelicansPelicans
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Our rabbit snails have been happily breeding for months, and we finally spotted a baby in the stages before it hatched!

Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:56 AM PDT

Mystery Snail has me mystified. Eggs, and is that white thing a penis? Definitely not the siphon.

Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:27 AM PDT

Calcium for snails

Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:52 PM PDT

Ive been doing research on best ways to get calcium for snails, and don't really want to add snello. Is cuttlebone/egg shell in filter actually a good long term remedy? I've found mixed reviews and feel like this is the place that will have the answer:)

submitted by /u/smwdecks
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Has anyone else's mystery snail stopped moving but is definitely still alive?

Posted: 24 Apr 2020 03:51 PM PDT

Hi guys, I'm really hoping someone will be able to share their experience with mystery snails with me. I've tried doing some research but I keep finding conflicting information.

I got a mystery snail in January. She was very active and adventurous. A couple of weeks ago, I noticed she seemed lethargic so I decided to feed her in a separate container. She ate a few bites of blanched zucchini and tucked right back up into her shell. When I put her back in the tank (after reacclimatizing her properly) she floated for 3 days and didn't come down to eat at all. Eventually she dropped down to the bottom of the tank and hasn't moved since. She comes out of her shell when I put her in a cup, but she doesn't move around at all and she won't eat.

I have no idea what's going on with her. I've heard something about mystery snails hibernating but I haven't found much info about that. Has this happened to anyone else? How do I keep her comfortable?

The water parameters are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5 nitrates. pH is 7.2 and there's cuttle bone in her tank. She's housed in a 7.5 gallon filtered aquarium with a very docile female betta

submitted by /u/dazeywaisy
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Can I use this to feed my mystery snails with?

Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:49 PM PDT

Mystery Snail Swollen Foot and Antenna

Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:25 AM PDT

Good morning!

I have been struggling a lot with my mystery snails. I have them in a heavily filtered, planted 20 gal long. They share the tank with a plethora of corydoras catfish (pygmy and habrosus) and a few otocinclus. There are also some shrimp, and I killled 3 damselfly larvae within the tank (I took it apart and soaked all the hard and combed the substrate so I don't *think* there's any more. The substrate is black sand.

The water parameters are good

pH 7.6

Ammonia / Nitrite / Nitrate : 0/0/5

gH and kH are well within snail parameters.

I dose with powder ferts, but did dose with some Flourish/Thrive before changing over to powder.

At this point all of my snails have been rehomed or died due to the following issues.

For a week or so they are fine, moving and active, but then they start getting kinks and bulges in their antenna, at a certain point they lose their antenna completely, including the mouth antenna. They still are semi active but then just lay there until they pass. I was suspecting copper but the shrimp have been thriving. There was a treatment of hydra with 0.25 mg / 10 gallons of fenbendazole which they were removed from the tank for and replaced 1 week later after several water changes and activated charcoal. Could there be an bacteria or something in the tank that is causing this? They spent about 3 days in the mail and got pretty cold so I'm not sure if their immune system took a hit from the travel. I did run Chem E Pure (essentially purigen) in the tank after the water changes to help with the fenbendazole.


submitted by /u/Totallynotthebanana
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