Betta Fish Aquariums - GloFish Bettas are a thing, and you can discuss them here

GloFish Bettas are a thing, and you can discuss them here

Posted: 09 Feb 2020 11:56 AM PST

Since our lovely sub has seen an uptick in basically the same glofish betta posts over and over again, we figured we'd make a general discussion thread.

This also means that generic posts discussing or complaining about globettas as a concept will be removed. Don't worry, you can still post about your own (new) globetta, be it to introduce them or to ask for advice. With that out of the way, here's are some frequently asked questions to get you all started:

What are glofish/globettas?

glofish are genetically modified fish that "glow" in a certain color under blue-ultraviolet light. They are bred and sold via petstores by the GloFish company. Occasionally , new species of fish are added to their catalog.

How does the whole glo thing work?

The glowing thing is caused by a specific protein: the green fluorescent protein (GFP), originally found in jellyfish, which produces a bright green light when it comes into contact with light of a specific wavelength (in this case, in the blue - ultra-violet range, also present in normal daylight). The gene that produces GFP can be integrated into an organisms genome (DNA) by injecting it into the embrio. In research,GFP insertion is often used in as a reporter gene (a gene that can make the expression of other genes visible, so researchers can see where a gene is active, and how active it is), or as way to track cell growth and division (for example in early development, to see where stem cells go). This started with zebrafish, but is now common in mice, axolotls, and cell cultures.

Doesn't this hurt/harm the fish?

The gfp gene itself and it's expression of light is considered harmless. Leaving the lights on too long can have detrimental effects though.

Do glofish require different care?

No, glofish require the same care as other fish of the same species. One thing to note is that it is absolutely, 100%, unethical to release gmo-animals into the wild (even moreso than non-native and captive bred fish) SO DONT.

I live in eu/uk/california/australia/wherever, can I get one?

CHeck your local legislation! The sale of genetically modified animals to the general public is illegal in some regions. We haven't been able to find a map/list, but here are a couple of places where sale of glofish is prohibited:

  • anywhere in the EU.
  • the UK
  • Australia
  • New Zealand

Ban I breed globettas?

Although it is technically possible to breed them yourself, it is also prohibited: glofish are subject of various intellectual property rights and covered under various patents.The international betta congress has also stated that they glofish bettas can only be shown in the purchased fish category. Entering a globetta in any other catagory will result in automatic disqualification. In many countries it is also illegal to breed gmos yourself.

Is this even ethical?

We (the mods) are not going to take a stance on the ethics of GMO as pets, but feel free to discuss it (POLITELY).

How long is this ban going to last?

We're not sure how long this temporary rule will be in effect, but mostly likely at least until late March.

Thank you all for making this sub amazing! If you have any questions, or complaints on how we are handling this, feel free to contact us via modmail.

submitted by /u/how_fedorable
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Posted: 09 Mar 2020 03:33 AM PDT

Welcome to r/bettafish!

Click this link to view our CARESHEET

Quick synopsis of caresheet:

  • Minimum tank size is 5 gallons (about 20 liters) for a regular sized betta, and 10 gallons (about 40 liters) for a king/giant betta

  • Bettas need an adjustable heater and a thermometer to ensure water temperature stays between 78-82°F or about 26-28°C

  • Bettas need a cycled tank- this requires a filter

  • Bettas need silk or live plants and hidey holes with no sharp edges.

  • Bettas have a special organ, the labyrinth organ, allowing them to breathe air. They require constant access to air at the top of the tank.

  • Bettas will jump- it is best to have a tank with a lid

Click this link to view our WIKI

Quick synopsis of the wiki:

  • Contains info on basic betta care, diseases, potential tank mates, tail types/coloring, differences between males/females, ordering bettas, moving with bettas, setting up sororities and MORE!

  • This most likely has the answers to your questions. Feel free to ask questions if you are confused or aren't sure about something.


This is the place to ask anything and everything about bettas. Be sure to include your water parameters(ammonia/nitrite/nitrate,) tank size, how long the specific issue has been occurring, and some pictures if there is something which requires a diagnosis (e.g. fin rot/melt, velvet, dropsy.)

How do I upload pictures?

Go to and select "New Post". Add all the clear pictures you have so we can better determine what is going on with your fish. It is recommended you set the album to private if you don't want weird comments. Click upload. From there, click the share button- if you are on mobile, hit "copy to clipboard" and paste the link into your comment on here. If on desktop, copy the link and paste it here.

For those new to technology- ctrl + c is copy, ctrl + v is paste.

To have your link like this, put these [ ] brackets around the text you want to show, with no space before the first word or after the last word, and without adding a space after the second bracket, use parentheses ( ) for the link, with no spaces between the parentheses or the link itself.

Be sure to read our rules before posting or commenting.

If your question was not answered yesterday, please feel free to post again!

Ask away!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Just got Obi the upgrade he deserves (1 to 5 gal) and he is loving all the room he has to swim around & his new log

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:21 AM PDT

“Ladies, I’m ready for ya”

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 04:54 AM PDT

I'm very excited to breed these green Samurai...updates in a few weeks.

Posted: 08 Mar 2020 03:57 PM PDT

Dave, mighty defender of the shiny rock.

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:55 AM PDT

Moomoo wants to know what the heck you’re looking at

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 02:05 AM PDT

On Sunday he sits in his chair

Posted: 08 Mar 2020 07:10 PM PDT

Is this swimming normal? We’ve had him about a week and he is CONSTANTLY moving, our last Betta passed at 3 and we got him at 1.5 and idk if it’s the age but this guy is soo active I’m jus hoping it’s not erratic and all normal.

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:43 AM PDT

"Pick me! ��" How can you say no to this? Needless to say I couldn't ��

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:51 AM PDT

One day I hope to be as brave as our snail who has been sharing Odin’s log all weekend.

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:55 AM PDT

Finally had a home!

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:14 AM PDT

My boy Barnabas. He’s happily swimming in a 5.5 gal in my office.

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:10 AM PDT

What a difference a big, new home and new friends will do to ya in 11 days.

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:25 AM PDT

Almost a year ago I got this sickly boy with SBD who couldn't swim. I nursed him back to health and he got to live a very comfortable but wonky life. Yesterday i said goodbye to him. Swim in peace Noon, you changed my life in ways i never knew a fish could.

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:42 AM PDT

My new betta, Mika! He knows he’s beautiful

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 04:31 AM PDT

For anyone in US looking to upgrade. Petcos Dollar Per Gallon sale is back

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:40 AM PDT

What should I name her?

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:35 AM PDT

This is Blue :)

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 03:46 AM PDT

Enjoying the new jumbo leaf couch

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:36 AM PDT

This is Scarlet, 2 months before and after

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:51 AM PDT

This is Dandelion. He is the grumpiest grump that ever grumped.

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 12:07 PM PDT

Loving his new hammocks

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 02:20 AM PDT

Meet her royal highness, Queen Aster! She's my busy little crowntail female with a lot to do and not enough time to do it. She likes to follow her tank mates around and watch them like a queen over her subjects. The peppered cory cats are especially interesting.

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:41 AM PDT

Tried the mirror with my most recent rescue

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:31 AM PDT

Koi boi is loving his tank upgrade! (2g to 5g) thanks to all that helped me out :)

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 12:18 AM PDT

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