Aquatic Snails Operculum of mystery has detached. My mystery hasn’t been moving much the last couple weeks, I’ve been watching it and in the last week I noticed her door wasn’t closing flush, a few days ago it seemed to be tearing from one side, today it is off. What do I do? Does this warrant euthanasia?

Operculum of mystery has detached. My mystery hasn’t been moving much the last couple weeks, I’ve been watching it and in the last week I noticed her door wasn’t closing flush, a few days ago it seemed to be tearing from one side, today it is off. What do I do? Does this warrant euthanasia?

Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:19 PM PST

[FS]Group of mystery snail babies available

Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:00 AM PST

Is my mystery snail dead? He's been like this since this morning ��

Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:19 PM PST

Cuttlebone, is this the right stuff?

Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:58 PM PST

Bad luck with snails?

Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:17 AM PST

Okay so I've got a 10 gallon betta tank. Before I put the betta in, I put a mystery snail in...he disappeared and after a long time and a search I assumed he escaped & died. Months later, we found his shell in one of the decorations that I had searched.

Second mystery snail was put in after the betta. He was a pretty big guy that was pretty lazy from the get go and didn't have the best shell. Tried supplementing with cuttlebone and he died.

Third snail was a nerite, was VERY healthy and active for a while, but eventually just slowed down and then died. Should be noted that the decoration housing the first snail was in with the other two snails, but there had been no smell, ammonia levels were good, etc.

I had also been using seachem flourish root tabs plus NilocG thrive liquid fert. I've taken out the root tabs (no more rooted plants), plus I've switched around decorations. Is it worth it to try again with another snail? Should I switch to something other than thrive, if so, how long after I switch will it be snail safe? I've also got a 5 gallon that I want to put a snail in, but not if they're just going to die.

TL;DR: three different snails have died on me. Took out all seachem flourish tabs, wondering if thrive is safe/what to switch to if not. I just want snails!!!

submitted by /u/floraliia
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The bladdersnails in my planted aquarium started playing a ton of eggs so I made them there own little house before they overpopulate the other one.

Posted: 02 Mar 2020 10:38 AM PST

Question is it okay to hold mystery snails? Could they bite is they are in your hand?

Posted: 02 Mar 2020 04:34 AM PST

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