Goldfish - Aquariums - My big babies in the main tank. I’m so in love... even if they’re destroying my plants.

My big babies in the main tank. I’m so in love... even if they’re destroying my plants.

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 01:17 PM PST

I have quite a few of photos and videos of my fishes on my phone. Not sure where is a right place to share them until I found this sub ����

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:53 AM PST

Can someone proof read this for me? It’s on “it’s just a goldfish”?

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:27 PM PST

"Why do you care so much?

It's just a goldfish."

An expression that's too present in our culture is saying "it's just a __________" when referring to animals.

Expressions and feelings like these are often heavily ingrained in people in order to suppress empathy. It's always accompanied with glaring misconceptions about the subject.

if you are reading this as someone who is under the impression of "it's just a goldfish", I want to thank you for wanting to see the counter argument. I also ask you to please keep an open mind.

The things you are told to believe aren't always true, and you should change your opinions according to what you know, not what you are told to think

"Goldfish can't feel pain."

This idea has been circling in our western culture for centuries. There is a belief that "fish can't feel pain" or, more recently, "fish feel a different kind of pain". But this isn't true.

According to our best scientific evidence, fish feel the same pain as humans.

Their nervous system is extremely similar to ours. Every aching, stinging, pressure, burning, stabbing, suffocation, etc., goldfish can feel every inch of it, same as you can.

My best guess as to where this horrific lie comes from is that fish can't scream, cry, groan, or wail. This makes it very hard to empathize with the voiceless if you are uneducated on them. Lack of empathy leads to lack of mercy. Our lack of mercy has led to the culture we live in today, where people can kill animals and feel nothing.

"Goldfish are stupid, therefore don't deserve my mercy or compassion."

Just for starters, intelligence doesn't matter when determining ethical treatment. The ability to suffer is the only thing that needs to be considered when determining if we should be merciful. A human respecting animals by their intelligence is like a tortoise respecting others by lifespan; it's irrelevant and ridiculous.

Even still, fish have remarkable intelligence. Certain fish's cognitive power exceed or match that of non-human primates. One study showed that goldfish remember the color of a tube dispensing food one year after the last time they have seen the tube, but make no mistake, association is not their only ability.

So no, their memory is not 3 seconds.

"No one cares, so I shouldn't either."

This phrase. This is the phrase that has stopped revolutions. This is the phrase that has stopped more progress than any historical event we know of. This ideology should have been abandoned long ago, yet it persists.

You don't have to start revolutions. You don't have to be an activist. Simply you just refusing to participate in this tradition of abusing fish makes more of an impact than you can imagine.

To you it is decoration, an activity. To them it is their very life.

Go against the flow.

submitted by /u/Roseafolia
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A Tosakin Tale - I wrote a little piece for The Goldfish Council

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:02 PM PST

Meet Ziggy! He's just been unpacked and acclimated to the qt tank and in a few weeks he'll move into the 75g! Got him from King Koi and Goldfish.

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 01:53 PM PST

Did any of y’all mindlessly watch “solidgolds” youtube channel. I miss her and seeing her fishies.

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:45 AM PST

bloodworm gang is here

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:41 AM PST

Is this fungus? I’ve moved him into a quarantine tank and have been treating him with fungus tabs for over a week and it doesn’t seem to be getting better.

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:22 PM PST

After 15 days my little red cap decided she wants to live!

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:19 AM PST

Meet Fatty (the bigger one) and Midnight, moved into big fish house now. Already enjoying having sand to dig through :)

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:04 PM PST

Arthur update.

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:10 PM PST

Unfortunately, Arthur passed away in the last hour.

He had the vet out earlier and despite the antibiotics and all, he's obviously just succumbed to the infection.

Not the news anyone had hoped for, but life's shit like that.

submitted by /u/Evadenly
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Need help with my goldfish! First time owner.

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:12 PM PST

Hi all,

I'm a first time goldfish owner. I live in a small town in Morocco, and my closest aquarium is two hours away. The gentleman I bought my fish from said to just change the water using bottled gallon water. I did that this morning and when I came home at night my water was murky! I'm really concerned. Right now I have my goldfish in a bowl, I am planning on getting a better and bigger tank ASAP. Any guidance would help with this murky water situation.

submitted by /u/lolalove2424
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Goldfish Size

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:06 AM PST

I don't think I'm grasping how big these guys get. How long can they stay in a certain size tank before I have to upgrade. I've seen people build elaborate tanks only 70 gallons in size, with 20 goldfish. The maker seemed confident enough that this will house them for a while at least, before he has to move most of them.

Basically, for how long would a 55 gallon tank work for 6 goldfish?

(Also, where could I find some large tanks on the cheaper side?)

submitted by /u/DrSkullface8899
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(Antibiotic) Bath time!

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:04 AM PST

Question about Crushed Coral

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:12 AM PST

My apologies if this has come up before. I scanned previous posts regarding Alkalinity and pH and will start using crushed coral shortly to raise my levels a bit. I have two common goldfish, one approximately 1.5 inches and the other about 4 inches.

Question: Is it suggested that I put the crushed coral directly onto the gravel? Should I put it 'on' the gravel in a mesh bag? Or use a media bag and add it to my AquaClear filter?

Any help here would be greatly appreciated. I have had the tank cycled and rolling strong for a good 2 months and my goal is simply to avoid any drastic pH changes when doing partial water changes. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/classicmint1934
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White Lump in goldfish top fin

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:56 AM PST


One of my 3 goldfish has a strange white spot in his top fin. There only 1 spot and I 1st saw it 1 week ago. Now it seems bigger.

This fish already had ich 2 years ago when I bought him, but the tank was treated and everyone was fine until I saw that spot so I don't think it that.

Here a video of the lump in question, it quick, but you can see it clearly in the middle of the fish top fin:

Thank you for the advice.

submitted by /u/Olathos
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Switching from Gravel to Sand - Help

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:47 AM PST

Hey! I was wondering if anyone has done the process of switching from gravel to sand?

I set up my aquarium as I have for the past 10 years with gravel (took a 3 year break) and have never had an issue with gravel. Now I see the concerns here and now I'm concerned.

Anyone have good tips/articles/videos for changing from gravel to sand without crashing my cycled tank?

I also have a marine land power filter (hangs over the edge). Will the sand cause technical difficulties?

Is it hard to clean sand?

Thanks a million in advance!

submitted by /u/hamchan_
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