Goldfish - Aquariums - Just got this cute guy! Hope you like x)

Just got this cute guy! Hope you like x)

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 04:30 PM PST

Poe says thanks for the advice yesterday! I think he’s beginning to like his new bigger tank. He feels much better and is swimming around normally. Water params are good but almost borderline so we have a water change scheduled for tomorrow.

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:00 PM PST

These guys sure love their veggies.

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:58 PM PST

I had to donate my goldfish today due to moving house and being unable to take them with me. Here they are enjoying their viewing orb in the backyard pond I kept over the last year. Farewell Toulouse, Bubushka, Cindy and Texas Pete. I’ll miss you guys.

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:13 PM PST

Some fishy ASMR of the babies eating bloodworms!

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 03:24 AM PST

Heyo! Remember me? If you don’t know me, I was the one with 4 goldfish in a 20 gallon. 2-ish years later, and my 75-gallon’s going great! Thanks again to everyone here for helping me get to this point, I’m seriously grateful for everything, if it weren’t for you I’d probably still have them in a 20!

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:34 PM PST

my goldie arthur got stuck in the fliter tube...

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:19 AM PST

so i walked into my room and my filters flow was very weak so i rushed to unplug it and I took it apart and I blew on one side of the tube (gross) and I fely something fly past my hair to behind me and i CANT FIND HIM, I've been looking everywhere for his body and i can. not. find. it. oh my god

submitted by /u/juniper__lol
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Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:52 AM PST

Have you ever cured your fish from swim bladder syndrome?

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:06 PM PST

Hey guys, I'm pretty new to the goldfish community and I just recently got 2 lionhead goldfish!

However, while one was in a bag, the bag fell off (I know that's horrible and I felt so bad and miserable) and I know he got shocked as he didn't move for a few minutes after the fall. A few minutes later he started swimming fine and I was really relieved.

But the next day he started showing signs of swim bladder syndrome and he swims on an angle with his face pointing more downwards than his body.

I'm terrified that the fall caused something bigger than just poor digestion and I've moved him to a quarantine tank with stress relievers and salts. I've been told that feeding peas also works...

Is there anything more I can do for him? I'm so angry at myself at the moment..

Some advice would be great right now..thanks

submitted by /u/fluppii
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Spawning info, question in comments

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:17 PM PST

Help with my fish please :(

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 06:12 PM PST

How best to care for goldfish

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 06:06 AM PST

Hi all,

I know to say that the situation is less than ideal is an understatement. However I'd really like advice on how best to care for goldfish until I can improve their environment in a couple of months time.

So basically, my brother decided to give my two kids a fish each for Christmas, a comet and standard (I think) goldfish. He bought a starter pack from the pet shop that was recommended to him. Unfortunately the tank he bought was an 18l tank, which I've since come to learn is way way to small for them.

I've always intended on getting fish once we owned our house, which will hopefully happen in the next few weeks. But I've never really looked into what's involved in caring for fish properly as it isn't (or well wasn't) ideal for where we are currently living.

So, id really love to know people's recommendations on how best to care for them till I can get them a bigger tank.

I'm very unsure on how often to do water changes with them, and how much to change in one go. I'm reading conflicting articles on fish care, especially with a small tank. Some articles says no more than a 25% change in one go, some say more. Others say a weekly change etc. Also should I do regular water changes but do a good proper clean less often? How often should a proper clean be done? I've strip tests ordered to test the water quality. How often should the water be tested?

For moving, we're only going 10 minutes up the road so not overly worried about the physical move (I'm going to put them in a 12l bucket with as much water from their tank as possible in it while someone else drives). However we are currently on mains water (treated) and the new house will have its own well. What precautions should I take to reduce stress on the fish with different water? Or will it have much of an effect? Should/can I use the additive I currently use for treated water on the untreated water? The additive is interpet bioactive tapsafe plus.

For getting a bigger tank, what's the minimum I should be aiming for? And what's the ideal? I'm asking this because financially, going straight to an ideal tank may be out of reach in the short term so I might have to aim to moving up in size gradually.

I'm really sorry for the wall of text. I'm really enjoying having fish, so I want to aim getting them set up in better conditions asap while also doing the best I can with what I currently have to work with.

submitted by /u/Geekaa
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There’s a small bubble nest on the top of the water in the front of my Goldie tank

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 04:47 AM PST

My water temp is 24C (74F). Could it be oxygen released from the plants?

submitted by /u/BodiXDDD
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Is it ever too late to save a goldfish from a small tank?

Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:35 PM PST

I have a question. I'm sorry if its been answered here before.

My friend has inherited a goldfish in what looks like a 3 gallon aquarium with a small hob filter. Its so small.

He's not even 2 inches long in the body and has a long flowing tail. Looks like a Ryukin. This made me think he was a baby...... but he's 3 years old. So he must have been stunted by the small tank.

Now my friend doesn't know much about goldfish but she knows this is bad and wants to do something about it. She's even asked if I can take on the fish and give him a better life while she finds the money for a bigger tank herself.

My worry is, would giving him a bigger tank with good filtration and good quality water at this point be too much of a shock to his little body? Or would he start to thrive? Maybe grow a bit?

I'm honestly just scared I'd take the fish on and he'd die right away from shock.

Also I'm kinda seen as an expert fish keeper by these people (which I'm not, I just do research). I'm worried that if I take the fish on and it dies that they will think all of my advice is rubbish.

Anyway, is it ever too late? Should I recommend they maybe just upgrade to a 10g so its not too much of a shock?

All the advice I see is for new fish keepers. Its really hard to know what to advise for a fish that has lived problem free for 3 years in a 3 gallon tank.

submitted by /u/thelonepuffin
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