Goldfish - Aquariums - Teddy loves the digital thermometer I use for water changes. Some people have heart dogs, I have a heart fish.

Teddy loves the digital thermometer I use for water changes. Some people have heart dogs, I have a heart fish.

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:39 PM PST

It took years to be in a good place to have my own water piggies. But they've bled over into my other hobbies. Here is a Taisho era Nagoya obi I own that I think you'll enjoy.

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:05 PM PST

Human I hope you don’t mind that I’m destroying the plants.

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 11:45 AM PST

My girlfriend drew our telescope panda Poe, thought you guys would appreciate it :)

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 07:01 AM PST

Is it safe for goldfish to eat pond snails? My new red cap Oranda is gobbling heaps down ��

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 11:31 PM PST


Posted: 11 Jan 2020 11:53 AM PST

Employee refused to sell me a fancy goldfish (ryukin) saying that they get 12-14 inches long and need 55 gallons per fish. I have a 55 gallon, with a black moor and a ryukin in it, was going to add a second ryukin. Is this really bad for the fish? Am I the ass hole? Also, ryukin don't get that big

submitted by /u/CallMeJethro
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New fish. Getting bullied? Put in a new fish but it’s getting pushed around. Is this bullying and could result in the new fish being killed or is this getting to know you play ? Food in the tank because my son just added a pinch as I was set to record movie.

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 06:23 PM PST

HDX storage tubs safe for fish?

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 09:19 PM PST

Title says it all.

submitted by /u/BitterSweetSymphony8
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Breeding star bumps

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 07:48 PM PST

One of my black moors is looking quite bloated today, and is having trouble staying underwater. He's constantly swimming toward the bottom of the tank, and when he stops, he just floats on the surface. Is there anything I can do to help?

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 06:15 PM PST

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