Axolotl - Aquariums - My baby Foley went in his/her new tank today ��.

My baby Foley went in his/her new tank today ��.

Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:07 AM PST

Sadly blue axolotls are not real

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:43 PM PST

When mom gives us food ��

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:44 PM PST

Is the white tint on her chest just coloring? Or is it something I should be concerned about?

Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:56 AM PST

piff you got some sand on you buddy

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:30 PM PST

Needing some advice on what to get for Axolotls.

Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:29 AM PST

After the death of the two of my darlings I've almost sworn off keeping pets ever again- but I love axolotls too much to bear the thought of letting pet stores continue to keep them in horrendous conditions and me not doing anything about it.

A bit of context; I live in Malaysia, where the temperature is AWFUL hot most times, and even when I had my axies I'd always ice the water tank to keep it cool. I think the heat stress may have contributed to their demise but I'm not going to repeat the same mistake.

The pet store peeps kept swearing that they can live with heat just fine, but after seeing how they treat axolotls in general, it made me realize how much more these amazing creatures deserved. So I'm going to try again, but this time, I'll try to have everything I need before I rescue any.

I already have a 2ft long tank- I live in an apartment, and can't have too big of a tank really, since there's limited space, but when I had my two axies they enjoyed the space in there since there's plenty for them to swim, hide and relax in. Bare bottom at the time as it helped me clean. A sponge filter, with filtered drinking water.

Didn't have any test kits to test the water, so I guess that was a second mistake. I've been raising betta fish before so I figured axies must enjoy similar parameters with the difference being the temperature.

I'd change their water every two days and feed them every three or so, with the occasional snack of frozen bloodworms. I'd ice the water as much as I can as well to keep it stable and I had a temperature monitor as well.

I'll be using this post as well to keep track of things I need and stuff like prices and how much the whole setup will be. Any recommendations will be amazing as I want to do good by them.

  1. Water chiller SKU887010 (estimated rm250)
  2. API Fresh Water Testing Kit (estimated 150)
  3. API Tap Water Conditioner (estimated at 40)
  4. API Stress Coat + Anti Chlorine (estimated at 25)
  5. API Melafix - (40)
  6. API Pimafix - (40)

Totalling at about 545 my currency (Malaysian Ringgit)

Are there any other items I should have or shouldn't get? I do have aquarium salt and filters since I do raise betta fish as well, so I also have some other things, but I'd like to get some advice for what I'd need for axolotls so I can care for them properly.

I want to do well for Snowy and Axelia's sake.

Edit: wanted to add that my general room temperature is around 26-28 degrees C.

submitted by /u/kleioomann
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HELP I think my axolotl might be sick he is a lucicitic and he is usually a bright reddish pink but now he’s on pale can someone help me

Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:03 AM PST

new axolotl owner ��

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:55 PM PST

So I got two axolotls today, one Lucy and one melanoid, they are both about 5 inches. I'm so excited to finally be an Axolotl owner but I was wondering if there was a way you could tell they are settling in well? And please please please!! Let me know of any Axolotl owner tips and tricks 🥺 Oh and also, how early on can you tell ones gender?

submitted by /u/nintenchlo
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ey lois

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:08 PM PST

Why do axolotls yawn?

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:14 PM PST

Aside from being absolutely adorable, why do axolotls yawn? They don't have eyelids, therefore they don't sleep, and some are nocturnal, so I'm out of answers. Just curious though, I love seeing my sweet girl yawn

submitted by /u/kirbysayspoyo
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Where do you guys get your worms?

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:58 PM PST

So to preface, I've had my two axolotls (A leucistic and wild type) for about ten(ish) years. They were fed frozen/thawed out bloodworms and krill when they were babies, and after they got bigger we moved them to a salmon pellet which is what they've been eating ever since. They don't seem to dislike it, but after I decided out of curiosity to impulse buy a container of worms they seemed to LOVE them, so I want to do more of that. I figured after doing some research too that it might be better for them as well. More nutritious, I read. My Axos gills are kind of tiny, and I heard that while it's not always abnormal (their tank is REALLY well oxygenated, and I've heard that can sometimes cause the gills to shrink, so it's not alarmed me any), sometimes changing their diet can make them grow.

The Petsmart that I got the worms from initially is fairly unreliable for them, for some reason. There's about a 50/50 chance (if even that) that they'll have them. I don't like gambling, especially if it's my pet's food, yanno? I'd HATE it if they couldn't eat because the store sold out of worms immediately. I tried cultivating my own worms and.. to keep things succinct, let's just say it didn't go well. My axolotls seem to adore the worms though, and I almost feel bad about possibly having to put them back on the pellets. (That and they take forever to ship, which I'm very much not a fan of for the same reason listed above.)
I was wondering where all of you got your worms for your babies? The pet store has what are called red wigglers, which I believe I understand are actually standard earthworms. I've been heavily considering a bait shop (like for fishing) since I'm sure they'd have TONS of worms for fishing, and the bigger ones that I wanted to begin with, the jumbo nightcrawlers. The only real pet store close to me is Petsmart, earlier in the year I swept through all the aquarium shops that are in a reasonable distance that I'd be willing to regularly commute to if needed, and none of them had anything that'd be close to axolotl food, much less worms. Do you guys recommend a bait shop for worms? I'm worried about the worms from a bait shop possibly making my axos sick, but I've never really heard of that happening. If you guys order yours online (is that a thing??) where do you order them? I'm willing to look into different options, I just want my boys to be happy after all!
(Also I'm sorry that this is so long. I'm a motormouth and I really don't use reddit much at all, so I'm ignorant to the social climate here/don't know if long posts are considered taboo. I just wanted to get as much necessary info for the discussion as possible.)

submitted by /u/hatoCAFE
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Tank decor

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:07 PM PST

Hey! I was just wondering where you guys get your tank decorations/plants from? I'm seeing if I can find anything cheaper/better than my local pet stores

submitted by /u/brokenglowstickss
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