Goldfish - Aquariums - This morning this dude had some white spots on him and I through it was Ich. Turns out he just had sand on his head. Thanks for the heart attack pal.

This morning this dude had some white spots on him and I through it was Ich. Turns out he just had sand on his head. Thanks for the heart attack pal.

Posted: 19 Oct 2019 07:33 PM PDT

What speed of water flow / current do goldfish prefer?

Posted: 20 Oct 2019 12:37 AM PDT

I have 3 fancy goldfish in a 100 gallon tank. In their tank they have sand, plants, and rocks. I've done my research on goldfish care but one thing I am seeing a lot of conflicting information on is if goldfish like a fast or slow water movement in their tanks. My goldfish are 2 Orandas and a Black Moor. There's a relevantly strong flow in the tank which is what I first saw recommended and they aren't struggling at all to get around but there is so much conflicting information so I thought I would check here to see what type of flow you guys have in your tanks.


submitted by /u/ValkaMoon
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Resources for setting up a new tank?

Posted: 20 Oct 2019 12:20 AM PDT

Hi! I'm hoping for some help getting a new tank set up.

I have a 40 gallon breeder tank and want to set it up for 2-3 double tails. I've had aquariums at various points in my life, but it's been at least 10 years since I've had a proper setup for any fish. I've just gotten to the point where I think I have enough space, time, and money to responsibly keep goldfish, and I really want to do it right. Can anyone point me in the direction of some resources for how to properly cycle my tank and get everything set up?

Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask - I looked through the sidebar and didn't find resources for setting up a new tank.

Thanks for your help!

submitted by /u/gniknus
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need help with wen injury

Posted: 19 Oct 2019 08:59 PM PDT

hi all! i need some advice with treating a pretty bad wen injury. i'll try and give as much information as i can. sorry in advance for the very long post.

i have a black oranda male who had a massive wen that was causing him to go blind, i was planning to trim it in the next month or two. earlier this week, i fed them some repashy over night and when i woke up, i noticed that he had a chunk of his wen missing. it is possible that the repashy spiked the nitrates and caused nitrate poisoning but no other goldfish is showing any symptoms and he is not showing any others synonymous with nitrate poisoning. my theory is that he either injured his wen or another goldfish went for repashy and got him instead.

eitherway, i immediately removed him to avoid any further damage and began treating with salt and kanaplex to prevent an infection. i also dabbed the damaged parts of his wen with some hydrogen peroxide before adding him to the hospital tank (only done once). he is currently in a 29g tub (25g of water) and has gone through two cycles of kanaplex and salt (kanaplex for 2 days, 30% water change, kanaplex for 2 days, just did a 90% water change and redosed kanaplex + salt). the wen is coming off in pieces but he is swimming very well, shows no sign of sbd, and appears hungry (ive been fasting him).

the wen looks terrible but im not sure if this is just it getting bad before it gets better but i am concerned for his overall health. kanaplex is a strong general antibiotic and anti-fungal medicine but did pick up wipeout crystal clear (chloramine-t, recommended highly for koi/goldies that have hole in the head or bad bacterial infections). i also have on hand: erythromycin, furan 2, maracyn 2, and methylene blue which are what i believe would be beneficial.

i attached the best photos i could take without stressing him out even more. any ideas of the best way to treat this is? i really dont want to lose this guy. i treat the water with stress coat each water change to hopefully help him out some more but this is my first time treating something that looks this bad. here are photos of him, i appreciate any help. thank you!

edit: yes those are chunks of his wen in the water from me taking photos. i forgot to ask what temp would be best to keep him at. i know warm, clean water is best but would y'all recommend 76? 77? higher? thanks again

submitted by /u/itstherussianmafia
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