Shrimp Tank - Aquariums - The culmination of gold line and dark blue crossing

The culmination of gold line and dark blue crossing

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 08:39 PM PDT

Snack time!

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 10:59 AM PDT

The gangs all here

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 09:19 PM PDT

4 gallon Nano.

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 11:12 PM PDT

What's the consensus? edible or not?

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 09:05 PM PDT

When you bring out the good stuff!

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 03:28 PM PDT

Damn boy she thick

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 11:42 AM PDT

Hi everyone! I was worried about this little ghost shrimp and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to why the organs are so visible now and the body is no longer transparent.

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 07:26 PM PDT

Tried cheering up my sick betta with a bloodworm. He ignored it, and now a ghost shrimp is having the feast of his life

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 11:14 AM PDT

Mass snail die-off

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 09:09 PM PDT

Around 2 months ago my Mystery Snails began to die off in a short period in both of my tanks. I had about two dozen and only have 3-4 remaining as of today. In addition, all of my pest snails (like 200 of them) have all since died as well in both tanks. I have fish and shrimp in both tanks, but both seem to be unaffected.

I have looked into copper/copper sulfate poisoning, but the only thing that could have caused that is the fish food granules mixed with the snello I fed them. This happens to correspond closely to the deaths, but I have been told that the copper content in fish food is hardly enough to cause problems. The snello had calcium carbonate, agar, frozen spinich, and the granules. In addition, copper levels have been tested as of now at 0ppm. Also not using glutaraldehyde based supplements like API Liquid Carbon, which have also been known to cause problems.

I use the full Seachem fertilizer suite on both tanks which are sparsely planted with no co2 other than excel. The last thing to mention is that I only change the water every 1-2 months on both tanks.

Approx. water parameters:

PH: 7.4-7.7

Temp: 76-80F

GH: 8

KH 3-4

TDS: 200

Ammonia: 0ppm

Nitrite: 0ppm

Nitrate: <5ppm

Any ideas?


submitted by /u/MerpTheAwesome
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The Shrimp Farm worries.

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 04:07 PM PDT

Hi! I know this isn't a good place, but it's the only place I have left to ask for help :(. two weeks ago I bought shrimp from The Shrimp Farm and I haven't received confirmation of purchase or any other emails regarding the order. I tried emailing them twice but I haven't gotten any reply. Heck, I even tried messaging their instagram account. The order itself on the website says "processing". has anyone else had issues like this with them? please help.

submitted by /u/Cutestboi
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Shrimp breed question

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 05:56 PM PDT

Hi, i was wondering which shrimp breed is the yellowest of them all :p?

submitted by /u/ItsJonex
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Advice on shrimp

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 04:24 PM PDT

One of the many berried females

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 07:46 PM PDT

How do I kill planaria

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 03:42 PM PDT

I'd prefer methods of manual removal if possible

submitted by /u/Truedough9
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What is this stuff?

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 06:19 PM PDT

Any way to sex juvenile shrimp?

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 05:41 PM PDT

I just bought some pretty low grade cherries from a dude on Craigslist. I bought 10 of them, random ones. They are pretty small. Definetely not adults. Is there any way to sex them at this point? In a batch of 10, is there a chance I got no females? Also, at what size/age do they become ready for breeding?

submitted by /u/InturnlDemize
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Good tankmates for neo shrimps and Pygmy Cory?

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 08:25 AM PDT

I have a 29 g heavily planted tank with moderate lighting. Parameters are 75-76 degrees, PH 7.8, GH 7, KH 6. It has lovely cherry shrimps, 4 mystery snails, 12 pygmy Cory.

I originally wanted to add 15 Neon tetra after my shrimp colony explode and can handle the occasional shrimplet being eaten. I wanted them because I love active schooling fish that are small and numerous.

Is there any other fishes you guys would recommend instead?

submitted by /u/Playergame
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Looking to make my old 10 gallon into a shrimp/fish egg tank

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 02:32 PM PDT

I started with a ten gallon but 2 months ago I moved my fish into a 30 gallon. I want to set the 10 gallon up as a shrimp tank and move eggs into it from the 30. My Cory's lay eggs somewhat frequently but they always get eaten and I was wondering if this set up would work? I want to do red cherry shrimp

submitted by /u/NarfLord
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Looking for advice. Ich problem, new cherry shrimp coming in tomorrow

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 10:11 AM PDT

Feel free to jump to the TLDR at the end.

Have a bit of a situation. I recently ordered some new red cherry shrimp and they are coming in tomorrow. Great. Noticed one of my fish with a white spot last night. Not so great. So this admittedly my own fault. I introduced some new tetras/plants a few weeks ago into my tank. All was fine for 2 weeks until I noticed a singular white speck on one of the fins last night. This morning a few more seem to have white spots so fairly certain I have Ich. My own fault for not QT. I don't often add to my tanks and it's been stable for about 6+yrs now, but with age, all the fish I originally bought all those years ago when I first set it up have slowly died off so I finally added some back (nothing crazy, just 6 neon tetras, a small pleco to replace the old one that finally passed) so I don't really have any QT setup.

Anyway, I accept fault here. In the past I have dealt with Ich with medicine but found that to kill more than it saves as far as fish goes. The best treatment in my experience was simply API Salt and setting 86F+ for the tank for 2 to 3 weeks. That was all well and good 6 years ago when it was just fish and plants, but now I have Amanos in the tank and RCS coming in. I have the temperature raised to 84F-ish at the moment and that's causing the Amanos to molt so I'm sure they are stressed, but don't have an easy means of removing them in the heavily planted tank (or any other place to house them really). I don't want to add salt so hoping the high temp will do it's job in stopping the repro cycle of Ich (though I have never tried treating Ich with heat alone admittedly).

TLDR, Trying to deal with Ich in my main tank (yes, I goofed), not sure what to do with RCS coming in that I ordered before realizing I had the issue. I would setup a temp enclosure for the RCS but I don't know how to go about it since it wouldn't be cycled in time obviously. Would daily water changes be enough for 2 weeks or would the stress of delivery added to this probably kill them all? Any ideas? Is it better to just introduce the acclimate the RCS to the main tank at this point and have them deal with the high temps for 2 weeks? Open to any suggestions and I admit it was my fault for not QT the tetras/plants.

submitted by /u/Zlookup
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Fertilizers advice for shrimp tank

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 07:39 AM PDT

I am considering Dennerle's trio E15+V30+S7 or Sera's Florena+Florenette.

Dennerle's products have some copper in it so I am reconsidering.

Any other advices?

submitted by /u/Samw89
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Non-Breeding Shrimp

Posted: 26 Sep 2019 01:31 PM PDT

Hello well educated shrimp people. I'm looking for some shrimp to put in my 10g with some of my Pygmy Corydoras, but I'm trying to avoid shrimp that reproduce fast, as I'm not sure I'll be able to handle that. And advice?

submitted by /u/SuchAura
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