Shrimp Tank - Aquariums - They were in the trees man! In the trees!

They were in the trees man! In the trees!

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 09:27 PM PDT

Only their second day with me, I was so thrilled to capture this!

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 06:14 AM PDT

Arrrr shrimpy! Shiver me flagellum!

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 08:15 PM PDT

My favourite shrimp out of hundreds

Posted: 04 Aug 2019 12:09 AM PDT

Shrimp family doing fabulous! 15 to 100+ in three months.

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 02:33 PM PDT

New yellow bbs looking good

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 04:12 PM PDT

How many is too many? And open design suggestions

Posted: 04 Aug 2019 12:25 AM PDT

My tank(s) finally cycled, and in the meantime, I managed to crack it. I felt the first one was too small for the little community that I had designed anyway, so bought a second one... then discovered silicone. Now I have one that holds 2.7 gallons and one that holds just below 7.

I get the 1" per gallon rule so I had decided to max the variety of creatures in both considering the extreme limitations, like having different species of shrimp together so that they wouldn't breed (and a Mexican Orange Crayfish). But I keep seeing all these tanks with shrimp practically dog-piled on each other.

I haven't been able to find any guidance on this. Can someone explain to me if these bursts of shrimp are handled with culling so that the community is controlled back down to the 1/1 ratio, and if so, are you just supposed to be extra cautious with water monitoring and then, what the timeline is on culling in smaller tanks if you're not [yet sucked into] going to have some baby tank situation going on? Or if shrimp just don't have the same bio load as other inhabitants?

This wasn't my original intent for the post, but I am also 100% open to creative suggestions on anything from creatures to decorations. I had placed an order that I'd had to stop so don't even have plants yet, though I do have a beautiful large gray stone and smaller ones for the larger tank. I have on order (which I can change) two Neocaridina davidi neon/yellow stripe/golden back shrimp, two Cardina babaulti zebra shrimp, three Lime Green Endler's Livebearers, Five Thai Micro Crabs, and five redhorn snails. I was thinking of getting some clams and if fish for the small tank, a galaxy and striped Emerald Dwarf raspbora. Because without fish it might be too boring. I also purchased a bunch of plants I thought would go well together.

The smaller one will be in my little boy's playroom and he likes pirates, the Red Ranger, Spiderman and Ironman. I think his favorite color is red (he's three). But he picked out the dreaded rainbow gravel, which I picked through for larger rounded pieces then sprinkled not so liberally into black gravel. So that the plants don't have to be in buried baskets and the shrimp are more comfortable, I'm thinking to buy "fairy" rainbow gravel and sprinkle that into black sand. I'm wide open here too your knowledge.

submitted by /u/harrassedbytherapist
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Woke up to a little baby ghost shrimp hanging out in the middle of some plants

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 12:58 PM PDT

Good shrimp mom

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 12:31 PM PDT

Someone knows how my shrimp died?

Posted: 04 Aug 2019 01:05 AM PDT


Nitrate - 40 mg/l Nitrite - 0mg/l GH - >7° Kg - 3° Ph - 6,6

The parameters have been measured with JBL Pro scan

I think the shrimp had the white ring of death so it could had died because of that.

submitted by /u/Pabl0PM
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Feeding time!

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 09:45 AM PDT

Mama in the front baby in the back �� came back to my first skrimp babies ����

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 12:05 PM PDT

Skrimp tank looking good

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 06:29 PM PDT

Mon Ami Amano

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 08:48 AM PDT

Help to ID tiny things flitting around the tank?

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 09:08 PM PDT

I see little tiny specks flitting around my shrimp tank, esp on the glass. They look like tadpoles or sperm (head with a long tail). I have neocaridina and caridina (OEBT), and they aren't supposed to have a larval stage so I can't figure out what they are. I did have an Amano that disappeared but I think Amano larvae don't survive in freshwater.

submitted by /u/neemicat
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Feeding time!

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 05:08 AM PDT

My wood shrimp learned to climb the hornwort

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 07:11 AM PDT

A few more questions while my tank wraps up cycling

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 09:02 AM PDT

So my tank is cycling and I have picked my stock but still have a few questions.

  1. It seems like shrimp make just as many babies and overrun a tank just as fast as snails do. Is there a way to control this in a little 5 gallon tank?
  2. I've heard conflicting things about feeding. Since this will be a shrimp only tank theres no other fish flakes or anything going in there they can scavenge on but its heavily planted. I have bought algae pellets and will also be using veggies but how often?
  3. People say to drip acclimate shrimp for almost the whole damn day since they're very picky about water parameters. However I've owned ghost shrimp before and just did a usual 30 minute acclimation (no drip) with no die off. So what should I be doing?
submitted by /u/fireguyV2
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My first RCS babies!

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 06:33 AM PDT

Diy Shrimpsafe and almost completely Silent filter.

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 11:26 AM PDT

Should I sort variety of BKKM offsprings or leave them all together in the same tank?

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 05:03 PM PDT

I had BB and BBKM in the same tank for a some time, they interbreed producing BB colored body with BKKM pattern. Next generations came in variety of colors and patterns:

  • most are BKKM like,

  • less have blue body BKKM pattern,

  • a lot of BB,

  • a lot of red or black pinto-like,

  • less that look like red or black panda,

  • several half patterns,

  • few striped with dots on tail like red TW bees, red-white and transparent greenish-dark blue,

  • one peach colored golden bee like,

  • one pale red,

  • one BKK.

Now there are too many of them in the tank and new babies are coming every few days. What should I do:

  1. Leave them as is in one tank

  2. Cull by general looks

  3. Separate colors in different tanks, to prevent them from becoming worse colored in the future. If this way, what colors or patterns should be put together: reds with reds, or by pattern, keep halves or not. Being not breeder, I really don't know what to do.


submitted by /u/d8ne4m6
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Opae Ula parameters

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 03:36 PM PDT

Hi! I've cycled my new tank for a month now and tested the parameters a few minutes ago.

I've looked for sources on the parameters of these guys and a lot of sources, incl petshrimp, seem to say that parameters aren't too much to worry about since these guys are hardy, but I just want to be safe because I really care about these shrimp!

Salinity - 1.010

Nitrates - 20

Nitrites - 3

pH - 8.0/8.5

KH - 240

GH - >180

My nitrites and nitrates worry me, and I still want to test for ammonia levels tomorrow since I didn't realize what I bought didn't test for that. I think I'm going to keep letting it cycle a bit longer to get those levels under control from the bacteria in the tank. I'm also going to be adding the brackish mossballs subspecies from petshrimp soon so hopefully they'll help my tank out!

If there's anything else I should be testing for these guys, please let me know!

submitted by /u/Daisypush
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Bloody Mary are still my pride and joy.

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 03:11 AM PDT

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