Micro Aquatics Did a huge trim while setting up my new CO2 system.

Did a huge trim while setting up my new CO2 system.

Posted: 11 Aug 2019 11:34 AM PDT

Livestock Problems in Nano Planted Tank

Posted: 11 Aug 2019 12:43 AM PDT

Livestock Problems in Nano Planted Tank

TL;DR Need a mosquito larvae control that can thrive in flowing waters in a nano planted tank.

Hello from Singapore! I'm having a bit of a trouble with my nano tank (35x17x22 cm). Given our tropical weather (and National Environment Agency's (NEA) fine on mosquitoes), it is necessary I have some form of mosquito control. My tank doesn't have a lid, it's heavily(?) planted, brightly lit and fitted with a HOB filter and CO2 diffuser.

Recently, I added 8x mosquito rasboras due to their small sizes. However, I observed that some of them would swim against the current at the side opposite of the HOB filter. They would also nip at the baby fish feed I give (Azoo Ultra Fresh Newborn Fish Micron Shrimp Patties) and spit them out after. Needless to say, when the filter is switched off, they appeared more calm and actually ate the baby fish feed. Online websites and forums stated that these fishes originate from sluggish/still blackwaters, so obviously my tank conditions are the polar opposite, which might explain their frantic behaviours. (Please don't berate me, I was anxious to introduce a mosquito control.)

I know some might recommend only keeping shrimps and snails in such a small tank but that means the mosquito larvae will soon appear. I've dial down the filter strength to about 50%, though I'm conflicted about keeping it that way as I fear it might affect my plants' growth. Has anyone encountered similar problems before? What fish would you recommend then?

Plant list:

- Alternanthera reineckii "Mini"

- Anubias nana "Petite"

- Mini Bolbitis, Bolbitis heteroclita "Difformis"

- Cryptocoryne parva

- Dwarf hairgrass, Eleocharis acicularis "Mini"

- Hygrophila "Araguaia"

- Narrow leaf Java fern, Microsorum pteropus

- Various Bucephalandra species/variations (Brownie Phantom, others unknown)

Front view of my tank

Mosquito rasboras swimming against current near tank glass

submitted by /u/KrispyDulse
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