Reef Tank - Aquariums - Gotta love sexy shrimp!

Gotta love sexy shrimp!

Posted: 21 May 2019 08:45 PM PDT

Side view of my reef tank

Posted: 21 May 2019 08:24 AM PDT

Tank is in place! Perfect fit !

Posted: 21 May 2019 06:55 PM PDT

This bizarre interstellar shroom I picked up with an orange/green/pink gradient. Haven’t seen one like this before. (Pic does it no justice)

Posted: 21 May 2019 01:34 PM PDT

♪♫ when you try your best but you don't succeed ♫♬

Posted: 21 May 2019 03:44 PM PDT

Baby astrea snail? [ID]

Posted: 21 May 2019 07:39 PM PDT

Is this cyano? Only appears on the rocks.

Posted: 21 May 2019 06:52 PM PDT

Love These

Posted: 21 May 2019 08:51 PM PDT

Looking for a light for my tank with priorities on growth and aesthetics (10g tank)

Posted: 22 May 2019 12:32 AM PDT

So far what I have in mind are the kessil a160we, ai prime hd, and aquanight led.

I'm biased to liking the Kessil shimmer. The aesthetic it gives is unmatched. My issue with it for my 10g is that I'm assuming it won't provide the explosive growth I'd like to get out of my frags. And for the price I don't know if I can justify the lower par for aesthetic.

ai prime sounds like it has higher par readings for the 10g tank. And the controllability it has it has a leg up on the kessil for the price. The issue for me is going to have to be the discoball effect it has.

The aquanights selling points are that its affordable, it's assumed to grow anything thrown at it. My issue with it is controlability and not as aesthetically pleasing compared to the others.

I want to grow acro's and a variety of sps and zoanthids and have a high growth rate. What would you choose.

submitted by /u/BeanNCheeze
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Ro/Di water vs Distilled vs other?

Posted: 21 May 2019 07:25 PM PDT

i bought an ATO for my salt tank. i really dont want to buy an rodi unit. is using distilled water from Walmart fine? do they use copper to distill their water? thanks

submitted by /u/harrypots33
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It’s Tuesday, time for a Topdown Shot.

Posted: 21 May 2019 04:40 PM PDT

Can someone I.d this coral? It’s a branching type but it eats nori from the clip. Unfortunately appears to be bleaching as well.

Posted: 21 May 2019 05:16 PM PDT

Does getting a live rock from the pet shop’s tank speed up the cycling process?

Posted: 21 May 2019 09:50 AM PDT

I'm curious about whether seeding the new tank with a live rock or live sand from a healthy tank would help ensure I have an advantage without screwing up the ammonia-nitrite-nitrate cycle.

submitted by /u/lionheart-713
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Red Sea Reefer 170 or Reefer 250

Posted: 21 May 2019 05:17 PM PDT

Hello everybody!

I've posted this question in another sub, but then I discover that this question is better suited in this sub.

I'd like to start with my first saltwater tank with the Red Sea Reefer 170 or the bigger Reefer 250. I am not sure which one to get. The problem is that I have just enough space for the 250, but it will look a bit cramped between the wall and the cabinet. With the 170 I will have about 20cm left on both sides.

The Reefer 170 has: 165L/ 43 Ga, 60cm/ 24,5" The Reefer 250 haa: 244L/ 65Ga, 90cm/ 36"

The fishes that I want to keep are: 2x clowns, 1x Royal Gramma, 1x Yellow Clown Goby.

Optional: Tailspot Blenny, Yellow Watchman Goby, Firefish, Bangal Cardinalfish, Yellow Coral Goby.

If I have the space, I will go with the bigger 250, but right now I don't know what to get. The price is not an issue for me.

Is the Reefer 170 a solid choice or does it have serious limitations? What kind of difference will the extra water in the Reefer 250 make? Can I keep the fishes I want (excluding the optional choices)?

Your advice will be appreciated.

submitted by /u/X_chinese
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What am I? I think it's a small feather duster but not sure....

Posted: 21 May 2019 04:14 PM PDT

Tentacle boi was looking happy today...

Posted: 21 May 2019 03:56 PM PDT

Back into hobby after 15+ yr hiatus

Posted: 21 May 2019 09:53 AM PDT

Back into hobby after 15+ yr hiatus

I bought an existing reef this week and last night was the planned move night. Started at 6pm and ended at about 3 am. LPS Corals still in some bags while I wait to get my rockscaping done later today and then I'll place them. I'd love suggestions/advice and excited to be back at it.

Initial suggestion is to get less BLUE in my pictures...the real life view is clearly not that blue :)

Tank is a Red Sea Max e 260.

submitted by /u/alien-chupacabra
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Lightning on a budget

Posted: 21 May 2019 09:45 AM PDT

So one of my two shitty LEDs just died and it's time for a small upgrade.

I have a Nuvo 40 with a scape that allows me to place corals who need more light on top and the others on the bottom. My hardest coral is a small montipora which is already growing enough even with a shitty light, I don't really plan on more SPS so I don't have to dose.

I have a small budget as the upgrade wasn't planned and clearly can't go above that. I live in France and while there is a small reefing community there isn't much to buy second hand.

I was considering either this black box but I'd need something to mount it considering I can't mount it to the ceiling for technical reasons :

There is also this one that would fit but I can't find much on the brand, people seem happy with it but they don't say more about it. It's way less powerful but I believe it should be enough and better quality than the black box.

What do you guys think ? Any better alternative on my small budget ?

submitted by /u/krully37
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Two types of sand side by side

Posted: 21 May 2019 02:52 PM PDT

So I am wondering if anyone has ever seen this before. I currently have hawaiian black sand in my 75 gallon. I recently got a 125 and am thinking about changing to a white fine grain sand. Then I got to thinking about putting two sands next to each other. Maybe black in the back and white up front? Or do left half all black and right half all white? I can't find any pictures online so what are everyones thoughts.

submitted by /u/MrFish_face
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[help] What are those blackheads!?

Posted: 21 May 2019 05:57 AM PDT


Posted: 21 May 2019 10:01 AM PDT

Alright so the TLDR of this adventure is wife and I went on vacation for the week had a friend watch the house. He greatly over fed (whole block of frozen shrimp a day) the tanks all week 10gal (we use as a quarantine) and a 15gal.

The 15 gal is back to acceptable but not perfect levels after about a 60% water change which I'm surprised since we lost our poor urchin some time throughout the week. So minus the mass growth of alge that tank is doing better.

the 10gal is still a little high on ammonia after a 50% change still debateing on doing another change today or tomorrow. A snail died in the smaller tank but the emerald crab the hermit and the clown seem to be doing ok.

Any tip or things you might recommend to get these tanks going in the right direction?

My wife and I were crushed after coming home from our wedding/honey moon to find our once crystal clear tanks now black and alge ridden.

submitted by /u/sorenji
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Broke my new tank...

Posted: 21 May 2019 01:30 PM PDT

Unfortunately I broke the bottom of my new tank while drilling a 25mm hole for sump integration... Gutted but I still think there's a solution to this. What are my options (I dont want to buy a new one)

submitted by /u/DaWheezel
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Consensus on sand

Posted: 21 May 2019 12:31 PM PDT

I took a pretty big break from my tanks and I'm looking to get back in. I've been reading a lot of mixed reviews on the topic of sand and no sand or deep bed vs very little sand.

What are your current thoughts for it? All of my previous ones had deep sand beds. And I'll be honest, even with regular cleaning it would still be nasty. So the idea that it could one day nuke the tank is kind of scary. But it looks a lot nicer in my opinion. And it can home a lot of things and help with other benefits.

I'm probably going to do a deep sand bed again but I was just curious what most people think.

submitted by /u/EpicMudbud
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Hey. So basically my damsels killed my starfish. But that was about 2 months ago. Since then I have seen about 6 of these. What look like the centres of star fish. Can anyone identify? Does a star fish propagate when stressed like some nem's?

Posted: 21 May 2019 11:43 AM PDT

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